How to get to Langkawi island?

How to get to Langkawi island? What are the options available? Lets find out together!


12/7/20232 min read

How to get to Langkawi?

Holiday season is approaching and if you are planning for holiday, Langkawi Island sure is the best domestic destination of choice for your holiday trip.

Beside aiding to generate economy flow in within Malaysia, it will also promote tourism industry in Malaysia while creating awareness and appreciation towards our country natural & beautiful island.

Langkawi island have all the best to offer as a holiday destination. From duty free shopping, water sports, beautiful beaches, stunning view of nature, fresh seafood for indulgence as well as sight seeing.

There are only 2 ways to get into the island which is by the sea route or air. There are 2 jetty terminal that connect ferries to Langkawi island from the mainland peninsular which is Kuala Kedah jetty and Kuala Perlis jetty. Both jetties offer passenger only ferries and vehicle-passenger ferries. Each jetty have their own respective schedule for each day according to the water tide.

Passenger ferry from Kuala Kedah to Langkawi will take approximately 1hour and 45 minutes to reach Kuah Jetty, meanwhile the vehicle – passenger ferry will take about 4 hours to reach Tanjung Lembong jetty.

Kuala Perlis passenger only ferry usually take 45 minutes to reach Langkawi island while the vehicle – passenger ferry will take about 3 hours to complete the journey to Langkawi island.

Ticket for the feery can be purchase at the counter of the respective jetty or online. It is advisable to check the schedule on line if you are planning ahead as some days the time is vary due to low water tide that will affect the ferry movement, also to avoid disappointment of sold out tickets especially during the peak season. You can obtain your ticket via “Cuti Cuti Langkawi” app or from their website.

Langkawi airport is an international airport with direct route from UK , Dubai and other countries. Most airline offers flight into Langkawi from most of the main domestic destination such as Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor & other places. Flight ticket can be purchase online from the airline company.

Plan your journey ahead such as the accommodation, activities, transportation and meals as it can be quite a crowd when it is peak season. Planning ahead will save you money, and avoid unnecessary stress and trouble. Always check and verify before engaging with any agent or agency online to avoid being a scam victim, be wary when a plan is too good to be true.

Last but not least, stay safe and stay happy! Happy holiday and welcome to Langkawi Island.